Thursday, January 27, 2011

Waiting, and waiting...

Today is an exciting day in terms of the Book Of Fire. I just entered it into the ABNA, and now I'm waiting for the second round announcement. When is that anyways? *Looks at calendar* Four weeks? That's a while away.

As far as a release date goes, it depends on whether or not the book goes to round two. If not, expect a mid-March release through self-publishing. Otherwise, stay tuned for further contest news!

Good Luck and Good Reading!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Update #1

My deadline is quickly approaching for entry into the ABNA contest (see previous post). I plan on getting past 100 finished pages today. If I don't make it in time for the contest, then the release date on the "Books" page will hold.

I also realize that I'm going some time between blog updates. To remedy this, I'll be posting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Stay tuned for more news as the release date gets closer.

Happy Reading! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Into the Running Edit

Hello, everyone. I haven't updated in about two weeks, but today I bring good news.

Today, I moved into the running edit phase of my novel work. I'm looking at 20+ chapters of reading and editing as I go along, plus some minor rearranging. Hopefully it will be finished within 10 days so I can submit it in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. There's quite a bit of work to be done, but I look forward to getting my work out there.

Happy Reading!