Monday, February 28, 2011

Publishing News!

Here is an important update about "The Book of Fire"!

So (if you haven't read already from Twitter) the first volume of the series didn't make it past round one of ABNA. First, I want to congratulate all who made it through to the next round and to wish them the best of luck. Second (and more important to the series), this means that the original mid-March publishing date will hold. Keep an eye to Twitter or this blog for more news as that date gets closer.

In other news, I've made a cover for the next volume, "The Book of Earth." It's already framed and hanging up next to the volume one cover. I'll be sure to post a copy of the cover picture after "The Book of Fire" is available.

Happy Reading!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Next Few Months

So with college back in full swing, time to work on writing/official novel business has been limited. On top of that, I have yet to hear whether or not the Book of Fire has cleared the first round of the ABNA.

I'm going to start the second book of the series soon, which is subtitled "The Book of Earth." I'll Probably have the cover art drawn within the next week, and writing will begin after the ABNA contest.

Keep an eye on the Twitter feed for more updates on the contest run and upcoming projects.

Happy Reading!