Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Book Of Fire" Now Available!

Here it is! After months of revising and editing, the first part of the Realms Quintessential series is now on sale!
Here is the video trailer:
To get your own copy, go to the "Books" tab at the top of the page, and click the link under the cover art.

Also, stay tuned as for more news on the next installment, The Book of Earth, as writing begins this June!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mid-May Update

It's time for another update! This blog is well over due for one.

I have a proof copy for the Book Of Fire and I have finished reading through and adding proof marks. I just need to fix the manuscript, and however the second proof comes out is how the book will be sold. My expectation is to have the book on sale in early June.

Also, I've been thinking of making a video trailer for the book. If I do make one, it will be out shortly after the book is released. This would make good use of  my YouTube channel, which doesn't have much on it right now.

Stay tuned to Twitter and this blog for more updates on the novel. Happy Reading!