Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Sub Kit

No, I'm not making sandwiches. Although, that sounds delicious right now.

I'll soon be starting a new job as a substitute teacher. During orientation, we were encouraged to assemble a "Sub Kit." It's basically an office in a box. My mind has been locked on making one since I've been home. The first thing I added to it was my graphing calculator, which hasn't seen the day of light since graduating from Lowell. The batteries were dead and corroded. I'll have to replace those soon.

But I've digressed from my point.

I wish I had this creative flow for The Book of Water. It's been hard to find with all of the job searching I've had to do. Tonight my goal is to plan out the course for the book between now and the end of June. Hopefully everything will be set for a mid-summer release.

I'll post here more frequently. Until next time, Happy Reading!