Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Resolutions

It's that time of the year again: the end.

After what has been a mixed year, it's time to pick a new set of resolutions. Or actually two sets (one for myself personally, and one for the series).

Personally, I want to continue where the second half of 2010 left off. I had a successful Fall Semester (getting a 3.8 GPA) and I want to carry that through the spring. I also resolve to find an internship in Broadcast Meteorology, meaning I have to get my resume and business clothes together. My fitness, per the usual, is also on my shortlist of things to improve. In general, I plan on making myself into a better person.

For the series, I plan on following through with getting the first two novels published (the second one hasn't been written yet). If you look at the "Books" page, you will see a listing for the Book of Fire and its expected release date in March of 2011. My plan is to start writing the second novel in June, and write the third one in November for NaNoWriMo. Also, keep an eye out for drawings from time to time from the Artistic Director.

So to all a happy New Year and best of luck! Happy Reading!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The First Day

Needless to say, but I am excited.

Not only do I finally have my own domain name (points to address bar), but this week I begin the process of putting my first novel into its final order. Last November I won a novel writing challenge. As a result, I can get a free printed copy of my work and make it available to the public at large. I need to finish a final draft first, which I'm expecting will be done before I go back to school at the end of January.

Until then, stay tuned to this blog for more information and other extra features. You can also follow the conversation with @realmsqe on Twitter and hashtag #BookOfFire