Friday, April 1, 2011

April News Update

Hello everyone! Long time, no talk! Let's get right into some updates.

Book of Fire: I've ordered my proof copy and it won't be in until the middle of the month. After I review that, it will be available for purchase on CreateSpace. Links will be posted on Twitter and on this blog when the book is available. Also, keep an eye out for give-aways once the book is available.

Book of Earth: This is the title of the second volume in the series. I plan to begin writing it in June, with my intentions being to release it before NaNoWriMo 2011. I've already drawn the cover art for the book and I have a composition notebook already set aside for a hand-written rough draft.

Other News: Not much else to report here. I might be getting an internship in Broadcast Meteorology over the summer. Not sure how that will effect the writing schedule, but stay tuned for Updates!

Happy Reading!

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