Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Game Maker

Often times when making a novel, the author fantasizes about his or her novel becoming a movie. I feel I am on the opposite end of that spectrum.

Instead of a movie, I feel my series of novels would better suit a video game. The characters can change classes, use weapons, and rank up, just to name a few things. The stories already allow for plenty of boss battles and mini-games. All I would really need is a team of kick-ass programmers and an epic musical score and we could have the next big RPG on our hands.

Deep Breath

I'm getting ahead of myself, of course. I'm still months from writing another book, and my programming skills are novice at best. Nonetheless, I think this is a cool idea and I'd love to get advice/collaborate on this if possible.

Please leave any suggestions in the comments. I look forward to any opinions you have!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kindly Requested

Thanks to everyone who got a copy of each of the Realms Quintessential books during Free Book Fridays! On average, 36 people picked up a copy of each book.

If you were one of the people who downloaded any of my books, I ask that you head back to the Amazon page and leave a review. What did you like about the books? What can I do differently? Are there any technical issues with the file? All of these are very important to putting out a quality product for my readers.

Also, if you are looking for a guest blogger, I am available to write for you until September 5th. Please contact me if you are interested.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Free Book Fridays!

Hello everybody,

Today I am announcing Free Book Fridays! Starting July 12th and through the rest of the month, one volume of the Realms Quintessential series will be available to Kindle users.

To make sure everyone gets the full story of Viribia, FBF is starting with The Book of Fire. The Book of Earth will be free on July 19th. The Book of Water wraps up the promotion on July 26th.

Stay tuned for when these free books go live! Get the latest news from my twitter feed (embedded on the right).

Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Book of Water Released!

Hello Readers!

I am happy to announce that Realms Quintessential: The Book of Water is now available in print and digital formats.

Print copies are available via Amazon and CreateSpace. If you buy through CreateSpace, you can take 20% off your order with discount code UXB9AX46.

Digital copies are available for Kindle via Amazon. It is exclusive to Kindle for 90 days. If you want it from another retailer after that time, please leave a suggestion below!

Again, thanks to all my readers and fans for making this possible. I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I did writing it!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Sub Kit

No, I'm not making sandwiches. Although, that sounds delicious right now.

I'll soon be starting a new job as a substitute teacher. During orientation, we were encouraged to assemble a "Sub Kit." It's basically an office in a box. My mind has been locked on making one since I've been home. The first thing I added to it was my graphing calculator, which hasn't seen the day of light since graduating from Lowell. The batteries were dead and corroded. I'll have to replace those soon.

But I've digressed from my point.

I wish I had this creative flow for The Book of Water. It's been hard to find with all of the job searching I've had to do. Tonight my goal is to plan out the course for the book between now and the end of June. Hopefully everything will be set for a mid-summer release.

I'll post here more frequently. Until next time, Happy Reading!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


It's tax season. All of those various forms are coming in the mail. I finished college last year. I worked three different jobs (One of those jobs hasn't sent me a form yet, and it's actually holding me back from filing). However, I did get one form that felt good to see.

It was a form of miscellaneous income from last year. I made $12.66 from my books in 2012, and though it isn't much (the domain name costs about as much for the year), it gives me something I've been looking for: validation. Anybody can write a book, but it's something special when you earn a royalty doing it.

I've been slacking in the writing department recently. I'm still going through unsorted material from NaNoWriMo. A big chunk of it is a Karaoke contest that may either be shortened or removed completely. I'll have to figure out some more back or side stories to link events together. This is just the fun of being a writer.

There's also fun to being a reader. Reading is something I want to do more of in 2013. In fact, I recently received a countdown timer bookmark, and I've been using it to read at least 15 minutes a day. It really gets the creative juices flowing.

I'll try to be on a more consistent schedule with the blog, but my current job is a tricky thing. I'll shoot for once a week for now.

Happy Reading!