Sunday, October 28, 2018

Planning for Victory

It's the last Sunday before NaNoWriMo 2018. For the past couple weeks, I've been making notes about Senator Space, my project for this year's feat. Today, I'd like to share some strategies for preparation.

  • Use a Timeline: A lot can happen to your characters in one year. Senator Space is going to take place over a five-year period, during which my main character goes through many personal changes, including career changes, new children, and physical improvements. 
  • Relate Your Characters: Besides my main character, other characters include his wife, his son, and his father-in-law. The president, vice president, and senate majority leader will also play major roles in this novel.
  • Re-imagine Your Surroundings: A casino recently opened in my hometown. Part of the construction involved moving a landmark church out of the casino's footprint. I figured that I can make the casino even bigger in my novel, or even move all of the churches. I also made a short list of other places I want to re-imagine.
  • Use Templates: My character is joining a military branch after his political career sours. Soldiers have uniforms, weapons, bases, and rules. Make sure to take time to discuss what makes a group of characters special.
  • Anything Goes: Ultimately my NaNoWriMo project will be a rough draft. If I have a silly idea, I'll put it in as long as it gets me to my word count goals. You could be lucky enough to hit a word count gold mine!
I hope you find these tips helpful. If you have any useful advice, leave it in the comments below.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Return To My Domain

It's been five years since my last post? That's crazy!

What have I been up to since my last entry? I earned a preliminary teaching license. I've worked various teaching/tutoring jobs. I came to the conclusion that those jobs aren't my cup of tea. I was a data entry clerk for about a month and then spent the ten months following that working on and off in a candle factory. Following my last layoff there, I went back to data entry work and eventually landed my current full-time job.

Also, I moved! It was from one parent's house to another, but that's still a sizable change.

Now on to the important stuff: NaNoWriMo 2018!

Here's a list of a few developments:

  • The tentative title for my book is Senator Space. In short, a Massachusetts senator has to go to great lengths to clear his name.
  • I plan on doing some live streaming via YouTube every 10,000 words. These streams will be announced on Twitter.
  • As for the Realms Quintessential series, books 4 and 5 have yet to be finished. With "Real Life" being a thing, I plan on having both books finished by 2020.
Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!