Friday, July 29, 2011

The Push Continues

It's time for an update! I've been busy with my internship lately, so I haven't been able to update the blog as frequently as I'd like. However, I did seem to come across a new way to market my book.

At my internship, I have been leaving the proof copy of The Book of Fire on my desk, in hopes that one of the people there (i.e. news reporters, producers) would pick it up. And it happened yesterday! The proof copy made it to several people's hands and it seemed to generate some interest. The producer suggested I try selling my book to comic book stores, since the novel contains many fantasy elements. So following her advice, I sent out e-mails to two comic book stores.

This morning, I received a reply from one store in Northampton, MA. They mentioned that selling a novel wouldn't be part of their regular offering. They also couldn't profitably carry my book with the 30% discount I was offering. Off to the spreadsheet!

In the process of trying to find a larger discount to sell books, I realized that I could not honor a 30% discount or any larger ones for that matter. So I sent an apology letter to both businesses and removed the discount code.

So over the next week, I'll be trying to generate more ground swell for my first book as I continue writing book two. The public discount code (good for $2.00 off at CreateSpace) is available on the "Books" page, and will be there through the end of August.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Virtual Tour Wrap-Up

Today, I am closing up shop on the virtual tour. I want to thank the people who stopped by the kick-off show and downloaded free copies of The Book of Fire.

What? You gave away free copies?

Yes, over the past week, several people have downloaded copies of the book. If you missed out, there's no need to worry! You can still get Paperback and Kindle editions from the "Books" page. There is also a $2.00 discount code available for paperback editions until the end of July.

Stay tuned for more updates on The Book of Earth as more details become available!

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Book of Earth" Chapter List!

Hello everyone!

As the Virtual Tour continues, I am happy to share with you the list of tentative chapters for The Book of Earth! Keep in mind that these may not be the final names that make it to the book. Regardless of the chapter names, I'm sure you will enjoy the book!

Once again, be sure to get your free download of The Book of Fire before July 24th. Both Paperback and Kindle copies are available to buy on the "Books" page.

Happy Reading!

Chapter Title
I The Greater Question
II The Armored Crisis
III A New Realm Order
IV The Crumbling Boulder
V Generally Speaking
VI Chasm Crossing
VII Crater Calling
VIII Taken to the Leader
IX Shell Shock
X A Court Conspiracy
XI Rock Librarian
XII A Rough Return
XIII A Senate Sendoff
XIV Over and Under
XV Building Blocked
XVI Run the Earth
XVII A fitting return
XVIII Join the Party
XIX River Reverie
XX The Shore Shelter
XXI One Last Good Night
XXII Burning Midnight Oil
XXIII The Verical Perspective
XXIV Of Feasible Fabrics
XXV The Jaws of the Beast
XXVI Missing Minds
XXVII The Fraying Threads
XXVIII The Battle in the Cove
XXIX The Proper War
XXX Onto the Sea

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Covering the Future!

Hello everybody!

Today, You will be able to see the cover for the next installment of the series: The Book of Earth.

There are about 5000 words to the book so far with my goal being 50k (about the same length as The Book of Fire). I have a tentative chapter list that I will share with you later this week, and an excerpt that I will share with you over the weekend.

As far as the Virtual Tour goes, I plan on doing another webcam show on Saturday night. The Book of Fire will also be available for free download until Sunday, July 24th. If you have downloaded the book and enjoyed it, I encourage you to get a bound copy of it.

Happy Reading!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Free Book? You Don't Say!

Hello everybody, and welcome to the 2011 Virtual Tour!

I kicked of the tour on Saturday night with a live show on BlogTV. I spent about 3 hours talking to chatters and viewers about The Book Of Fire. At one point, while reading the first three chapters of the book, the show reached over 800 viewers! Hopefully some of them will take advantage of the discount code that was posted during the show. In case you didn't get the code, I will post it on the "Books" page next to the Book of Fire.

Also, I am letting my readers try before they buy! For the next week (up to July 24th) I am allowing free downloads of the first book! If you enjoy the book, I encourage you to buy a print or Kindle copy.

Finally, I will be releasing some details about The Book Of Earth. This includes the front cover, a tentative chapter list and an excerpt from what's been written so far. If you want any more than that, you'll just have to wait for the book to come out ;)

Enjoy the tour, and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Virtual Tour and Say What?

Today is a great day so far (even though I woke up to the sound of construction outside my door)! I had a good breakfast of a berry smoothie and toast with peanut butter, did my Wii Fit Plus Body Test, and logged on to my computer to check my e-mail. Hey! While I'm on, let's check to see how my book is doing...


I sold more books today than I did in all of last month! Very exciting news! I want to thank all of my readers who have bought my book. I hope you will enjoy reading it and share it with your friends.

In other Book of Fire news, I am creating a virtual tour for the book. It kicks off with a webcam event on July 16th. Over the course of the following week, I'll be looking to write guest posts on blogs by others. I will also be teasing details from my current work, The Book Of Earth. You can expect a chapter list and some teases form the new work during the virtual tour!

Hope to see you there! Happy Reading!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Media Frenzy!

Hello everyone! July has been a busy month so far with regards to marketing. As I wait for the new proof to come in, I have made fliers, press releases, and sales letters to send out to potential customers. There will also be discount codes for those who are interested. For now, the book is available on Kindle under the "Books" tab, no shipping, no wait.

You see what I did there... :D

The Book of Earth is slowly making progress. I have a few thousand words down, but I'm nowhere near a finished rough draft. I'm also working on a chapter list to help guide my ideas. I'll be sure to share the list with you when the time comes.