Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Virtual Tour and Say What?

Today is a great day so far (even though I woke up to the sound of construction outside my door)! I had a good breakfast of a berry smoothie and toast with peanut butter, did my Wii Fit Plus Body Test, and logged on to my computer to check my e-mail. Hey! While I'm on, let's check to see how my book is doing...


I sold more books today than I did in all of last month! Very exciting news! I want to thank all of my readers who have bought my book. I hope you will enjoy reading it and share it with your friends.

In other Book of Fire news, I am creating a virtual tour for the book. It kicks off with a webcam event on July 16th. Over the course of the following week, I'll be looking to write guest posts on blogs by others. I will also be teasing details from my current work, The Book Of Earth. You can expect a chapter list and some teases form the new work during the virtual tour!

Hope to see you there! Happy Reading!

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