Sunday, April 21, 2019

Building Consistency in Life and Fiction

Last week I wrote about making time to get things done. This week, I made it to the gym three times. I also tracked my calories more often this week, leading me to lose a couple pounds. Add to that the fact that my room/office is still decent compared to last weekend.

The next phase in improving my situation is to clear off my desk. I have the Book of Wind printed onto some typewriter paper. The taller paper requires more space for work. This work needs to get done because I have a few ideas in my head and I don't want to forget them.

As far as concrete numbers, my goal is to have The Book of Wind up to 20,000 words by the end of May. Overall, I want to have 50,000 words by the end of the year. Publishing this volume in 2019 is in question, but I'd rather put something quality together than something rushed.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

This is a Rarity

Usually on a Sunday, I am away most of the day tutoring math. I had no appointments today, so a good part of the day was spent doing some Spring cleaning. My floors definitely needed to be cleared of stuff.

My worst problem as of recent is time. Between a full-time job, a side hustle, and household issues, it's difficult to make time for much else. It's more important that I take time to meal prep and exercise. I'm even taking a break from my YouTube channel in order to relieve some stress.

The fact that I'm posting to this blog is a rarity. It was not my intent to go on a six-month hiatus. It was also not my intent to take so much time to write the last two novels of the series. It is my intent to post more often and to finish my stories. I won't commit to a schedule just yet, but even working on them one hour per week will be an improvement.

Happy Reading!