Friday, June 3, 2011

Name Character, Win Book! [CLOSED]

Hello Readers,
I recently started a rough draft for the Book of Earth, the next installment in the Realms Quintessential series. In this part of the story, a civil war is dividing a nation. My challenge for you is to come up with a name for the leader of the "People's Army." Here is a brief description of the character:

  • White head hair, bushy facial hair, no longer than shoulder length.
  • Large build, average weight (not completely muscle, not necessarily obese)
  • Has a penchant for government conspiracies.
Suggest a name below in the comments. On Monday, the entered names will be put into a poll and on Friday (6/10), a winner will be chosen. Top prize will be an autographed copy of The Book of Fire and a place on the Special Thanks page in The Book of Earth. Second and Third prizes will receive autographed copies of the Book of Fire.

If you want to get a copy of The Book of Fire either way, a link to the CreateSpace listing is available on the "Books" page.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!

[This contest is now closed, please read the update for the winners.]