Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Here is my no-confidence letter against my school's newspaper.

TL;DR: I wanted to be comics editor, I made comics strips, they say "No, the dead hamster has it."

Making comic strips with a hard science workload is difficult to do given my limited skill with graphics software, let alone do that and work on my novels. I am trying to keep organized, but I can only work on one thing at a time. Schoolwork first, novels second, comic strips after that.

My goal for this week is to figure where I can fit in writing time. If I can do at least an hour a day, that would be fine by me. Thank goodness for my trusty planner (scribbles notes)!

Anyways, I need to put creative works on the back burner for now so I can get situated with my course load. Once there, I can cruise along with The Book of Earth, which I still plan on releasing in August.

Question for Readers: Are you a writer? If so, how do you find time to write?

Happy Reading!

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