Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to the Books!

Hello everyone! I'm back in Lowell now, ready to take on my senior year classes. Tropical Storm Irene kept me in Springfield for a couple more days, so I just moved back yesterday. The Book of Earth now has over 13,000 words. I've posted a couple quotes on the Facebook page. My motivation for writing right now is a science exposition, using the late 1940's as a reference, eventually reaching over into nuclear science. I have a small comic strip at home that I'm trying to integrate into the novel that will help boost my word count. The Book of Fire is undergoing some transformations as well. I'm working on cleaning up the Kindle edition, giving it an interactive table of contents and better formatting. My goal is to have this new edition out within the next couple months or as my school schedule will allow. I hope to bring more material to you soon, including more teasers for The Book of Earth. Happy Reading!

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