Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Mean Irene

Hello everybody!

Progress has been slow as far as The Book of Earth goes. I am approaching 12,000 words, and I plan to cross that mark right after I finish this post. There will be a new quote on the Facebook page tonight (and in turn on Twitter).

I do have to say that this summer has been long enough. I've had times where I felt it was too long, and times where it felt too short, so it balances out. But my summer just got a couple days longer.

I don't like using the phrase "living under a rock," but in case you have, Hurricane Irene is making its way up the US East Coast, and with what timing too! I am supposed to move back to school on Sunday, when this storm is forecast to be right over Massachusetts. To avoid putting my family out in the elements, I have to push my move-in day two days up.

Normally I would end a blog with Happy Reading, but the conditions warrant a warning. Take all warnings seriously and be prepared. Good luck and be safe.

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