Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dusting Off for Progress

*Walks through creepy attic* *Finds laptop on bureau* What is this? *Opens laptop* Oh! It's a blog!

For The Book of Fire, I've been trying to retool my marketing campaign. Getting reviews from actual media outlets and influential people has proven difficult and fruitless so far.

Right now I am using a checklist from The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing to keep myself on the path. My goal is to sell 100 copies of my book this month, so my twitter stream will include some countdowns from time to time. Getting good sales will help me to expand my marketing campaign (and maybe get some posters :D).

Meanwhile, my summer project, The Book of Earth, is over 9000 words! Still have quite a way to go, but I am using many interesting characters and situations to get me there.

Stay tuned to this blog, as I will be posting more often over the next week. I hope to have good news and some more details to share with you about my books.

Happy Reading!

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