Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bringing It In

Hello everybody,

We're halfway through November and also halfway through another NaNoWriMo! As mentioned before, I am working on a story separate from Realms QE, and it is titled Epic Sofa D.

Originally, I had intended for the story to be a story about a family lost in space. However, I got caught up in the whole superhero element of my story and the creative wheels kept spinning. I am over 26K now, which is great, but I drifted away from my original idea.

Things have also been very busy. Schoolwork is beginning to rise again as I head into another exam season, with a presentation and an exam at the end of this week. I also haven't been to the gym in a while and I'm starting to feel it. Perhaps I should make like my character and do some Karate? Ah, I'm sure a brisk walk will make me shake the feeling.

My point is that I need to start bringing things in, both with my novels and myself. I'm sure I'll find the energy and motivation to get this work done.

To those doing NaNo, good luck, and to everyone, Happy Reading!

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