Friday, December 2, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Over!

Hello everybody!

I am back after winning NaNoWriMo! Epic Sofa D crossed the finish line on the morning of the 30th, making for my second NaNoWin in a row!

As for NaNoEdMo (Ed short for Editing), I am continuing to work with Epic Sofa D. After December, I pass things off to my cover artist (open), my content editor (closed), and my technical editor (open). I am not putting a definite date on the novel yet, but it should be out sometime in 2012.

As for Realms Quintessential, I will get back to The Book of Earth in January. I only have 16K so far for word count, so I plan on wrapping it up NaNo-Style, then doing a similar thing where I edit during the following month.

If you are interested in sharing in the royalties for Epic Sofa D,  and you are interested in one of the open positions, email me at for details.

Happy Reading!

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