Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reading Day

Hello everybody,

Things are finally quieting down as far as schoolwork goes. It's finals week and I have two exams this week on Thursday and Friday. I also have a paper I need to finish today, for which I only need 400 more words. That shouldn't be too big of a task for a two-time NaNoWriMo winner.

I am excited to be going home soon. Originally, I thought I wouldn't be going back to Springfield until Monday, but one of my professors opened up the option to take the exam on Friday. I'm exercising that option so I can be home on Saturday morning, giving me ample time to wrap gifts.

I am perhaps even more excited about my plans for winter break. I am going to Florida with my family. We are taking a road trip like we did a few years ago, so I'll have to bring a few things with me to keep myself entertained. I know I'm bringing The Book of Earth with me to write, and probably Doctor Sax by Jack Kerouac to read. I'll probably bring my DSi along for the ride and work on my pokedex.

My question for my readers is: what are your plans for the holidays? Leave your responses in the comments below.

Happy Reading! 

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