Saturday, October 29, 2011

Off to Space!

November is coming at full throttle, and NaNoWriMo is right around the corner.

 As I mentioned in my last post about the contest, I will be writing a novel separate from the Realms Quintessential series. It's tentatively titled Epic Sofa D and is a Sci-Fi comedy.

My strategy for day 1 (Tuesday) is to fill out my "Theme" booklet for Epic Sofa D. I recently attended a lecture by Lynda Barry  where she taught methods to increase creativity. Based on her methods, I made a small booklet out of a sheet of paper. On page 1, I made space for five themes. On the next five pages, I made spaces for ten images based on each of those themes. On November 1st, I will fill out the themes and images, and be well on my way to 50K!

If I'm successful in doing this, the prize this year from CreateSpace is five free paperback copies of a book. I will save this for The Book of Earth. The question is: do I save those for pre-orders, or do I make them contest copies? ;)

Happy Reading!

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