Saturday, October 1, 2011


So you're at the grocery store, and a company has just come out with a new food product. One of either two things will happen: the store will have a booth for free samples, or you will have a coupon and you'll try it yourself.

This is the logic behind posting book samples on my "Books" page. If my readers like the free sample of The Book of Fire, they will want more of the story. From there they can go to Amazon or CreateSpace and pick up a copy of the first novel.

Also, a quick update on The Book of Earth. I took some advice from a friend of mine and began typing up my handwritten copy. The typed copy holds about 3,000 of the 15,000 written words. I also changed the expected release date on the books page from "TBA" to August 2012. If there are changes to that date, or if I zero in on a more exact date, you'll find out about it here.

Happy Reading!

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