Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Change of Pace?

We've had a stretch of hot and humid weather here in New England. I have to make adjustments to my routine to account for the heat. For example, if I wake up late and it's too warm for my daily run, I opt to stay in the AC and play a console fitness game. Even my family's small dog can't take too much of the heat, so I bring her out in the backyard so she can do her cough "business" instead of taking her for a long walk.

Other things have changed as well. I am no longer working at the chain store (for reasons I won't go into here). In the short term, I am focusing on my novels, the second of which is slated for release on August 1st. In the longer term, I am focusing on finding a job that goes with my degree.

I need a change of pace so I can blog effectively ahead of release day. First, I will be posting blogs on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I won't necessarily be writing them on those days, but they will be stacked for posting. Two, I already have a live show planned for August 1st, and hopefully I will have a book trailer up before then. Finally, I have a vacation weekend coming up, so I need to make sure that blog is stacked before I head out.

Lots of important details to get through over the next two weeks!

Question to Readers: What important things do you have coming up? How is your schedule changing because of them? Leave your responses in the comments below.

Happy Reading!

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