Saturday, December 15, 2012

Pitching a Curveball

Progress on The Book of Water  has been minimal this week. My third-shift job has me sleeping most of the day, which has left me drained of energy.

On the plus side, I know I can renew my domain name this month. I'll be putting in the order next week.

Also on the plus side, I have a rough pitch done for ABNA. I received a few critiques over at the Nerdfighters NING and I am making changes accordingly. Among these changes are those to character names. Daniel Beardfree (Pirate) and George Washington (Fleet Admiral) will no longer have those names. Also, I'll be working to change of the tone to something more serious. I should have a second draft of the pitch up by next week.

Another goal for next week is to have my unsorted material placed into appropriate chapters. Once this is done, I can go chapter by chapter for my first read-through.

Happy Reading!

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