Saturday, December 22, 2012

Write Quickly!

Hey Everybody! Just wanted to give a quick update before I go to a holiday party (although I live where the party is, but never mind).

I just renewed my domain name this morning, so is mine for another year. I am teaching myself some deeper web programming and I'm toying with the idea of game development, though I'm not committing to a project just yet. Should I commit to making a game, I'll invest in some web hosting.

As far as the book goes, progress is excruciatingly slow. The most work I've done in the last week is draw four lines to make names for two characters. I've decided to give my pirate leader the first name Decebal, but he still needs a last name. Washington doesn't have a new name yet. Blame my third shift schedule.

I still intend on entering ABNA, but in order to do so, I need to step up my game. I'll keep you posted. My next update will be in a week!

Happy Reading!

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