Saturday, December 1, 2012

An Excellent November

It's been a while since I posted here, so I just wanted to give a quick update on the past month.

All in all, this November was a good month to me. I got a job (although not my science job). I also won NaNoWriMo for The Book of Water, on the last day no less. Perhaps the most surprising to me is the fact that I finally made my first royalty as an author!

My goal for next month is to edit The Book of Water so that 1) it has a preface, 2) all unsorted text is put into place, and 3) any storyline gaps are filled. I can't pin an exact release date yet, but it will probably be a similar release date to The Book of Earth. There will most likely be a post about pre-orders when the time comes.

My goal for NaNo 2013 is to win before it's cool. By this, I mean winning before November 25. I may also do Camp NaNo in 2013, but it won't be a Realms Quintessential book. I have an idea for a super-natural crime fighting book that I need to write down before it blinks out of my mind.

Finally, I am going to renew my domain for another year. There will be plenty of celebratory tweets from my (face-lifted) profile!

Until Next Time, Happy Editing!

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