Friday, March 23, 2012

Plug, Plug, Plug

Right now, my laundry is being washed in the basement. I am about two chapters (of twenty) through the editing phase of the book. The editing copy of The Book of Earth is open in another tab, waiting for more markup.

It's important that I get some work done every day on my novel, even if it's just half an hour. Like right now, my clothes a will take 30 minutes to wash, which is time I am using to write this post. When my clothes go to the dryer, I'll put 30 minutes into editing my book.

As far as a deadline for the editing phase, I am looking to finish by April 18th. This gives me ample time to wrap up any formatting needs and to make a decent cover (instead of using the CreateSpace Cover Creator).

Question for my fellow authors: How much time do you put into editing? Do you work on your books every day? Leave your responses below.

Happy Reading!

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