Saturday, April 14, 2012

Schedule Update

Hey Everybody:

Apologies for the lack of updating. Things have been very busy lately between school work, working, and editing The Book of Earth. 

Good news on the production front: I am 12 chapters (of 19) through editing book two. Also, I have more to work with in the Book of Earth fund, meaning I'll soon be able to get a new printer (to make Signed Copy stickers), or I can at least match my free copies to have more books on hand. In short, I'm nearing the point where I can begin marketing my next book.

In terms of scheduling, I'll be blogging on Mondays and Fridays. This will give an update from the weekend (on Mondays) and an update from the week (on Fridays). More minor updates (graphics, book information, etc.) will be updated as needed.

Until next time, Happy Reading!

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