Saturday, April 28, 2012

Packing Up!

Hey everybody!

It's been a rather productive week in terms of The Book of Earth. I've finished going through the main body of the text (with the help of a friend) and I am currently writing a preface for the second book. It's at 500 words right now, and my aim is 1000 words, give or take a couple hundred. i'm looking forward to the next phase of production, which is formatting and finalizing the novel.

In other, somewhat related news, I've started to pack my dorm room. I don't graduate for another month, but I am putting stuff together to go home. My cover arts (Books 1, 2, and the yet-to-be-written 3) and my NaNoWriMo 2010 certificate are wrapped in freshly cleaned bedding and packed into a tote. Graduation is so close I can taste it. It tastes like polyester.

Question for readers: What important events are coming up for you? Leave your response in the comments below.

See you on Monday, and Happy Reading!

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