Friday, April 20, 2012

Print That!

Hey everybody!

It's Friday again, and it feels like time is flying by. I have 36 days until graduation, and I already have my cap and gown! (Though to be honest, there is a hood piece that comes with it, and I am not sure how it goes on.) Exciting times indeed.

I've been making some progress on The Book of Earth despite my homework load. Right now I am on Chapter 15 of the editing phase. I should be out of this phase by the end of the month, if not within the next week.

Also, I decided on a new printer! It is a pretty good deal for the price and already comes with ink. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already seen my sheet of Signed Copy stickers. Can't wait to slap those on some books ;)

Keep your eyes to this blog and to Twitter. Soon, I'll be posting new details on the book, as well as some promotions, in the coming days.

Happy Reading!

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