Friday, May 25, 2012

Writing Prompts

My final read-through of The Book of Earth is almost complete, but I am already getting ideas for a future work. Here are some writing prompts based on my ideas:

  1. Do your characters have some sort of guiding animal or symbol?
  2. Is there a romantic relationship in your novel? Is it young love? How do the parents react?
  3. Did you create an animal for your novel? What preys on them?
  4. Your society is unable to inhabit ground level. How do they occupy the area?
  5. Your main characters become physically separated. How so, and how do they get together again?
These are just some of the ideas I have. If I think of more in the future I will add them here.

Happy Writing (and Reading)!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Introducing The Blog Roll

Hey everybody!

I just finished my last final! So excited! Now just to wait for the grades while I nervously bite my nails...

That, or I can work on my novel. Seems like the healthier alternative.

I am about halfway through my final read-through of The Book of Earth. Now that my classes are done, I have a week between now and commencement to put some continuous time into my writing. Once I get through this reading, more fun marketing stuff begins.

Today, I announce I'm adding a blog roll to this website. This blog roll is in three parts. The first part is Friends of Realms QE. These would be people I know personally who have helped in making the books. The next section is Fellow Authors. If you are a self-published author and would like a link to your blog posted here, leave a comment below. The third and final section is Critical Blogs. These will include links to reviews for fantasy, dystopian, or other related genres. Once I get about two or three in each category, the blog roll will go live!

Please note: This is a blog roll. I will not post links to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, or other social media sites. You are more than welcome to have those links on your page.

Happy Reading!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Half and Half (and Half)

Hey everybody:

It seems surreal to me that I'll be done with my undergraduate career in a week, and I'll (hopefully) have my degree in two. And in that same time frame, I'll have a final draft of The Book of Earth completed.

It's strange how time to be moving awkwardly. A mix of the hours going slow and the days going fast. It's like falling, but you only go halfway, then halfway, and halfway again, being so close to the ground but never actually touching. Each morning, I wake up and say "X days until graduation" then let out a warbled roar in shock at how close I am to commencement.

Other than my time observation, I don't have any more novel news at the moment, but I will definitely post an update if it warrants it!

Reader Question: What are you reading this summer? What are your favorite genres?

Happy Reading!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Really Real, Really Happening

Hey everybody!

 The time is coming up fast. No, not the pub date, that's still in August. But finals.

I just had my last class (hopefully) of my undergraduate career. There's two finals this week, and two finals next week. The packing pace is slowly picking up, getting ready to move out of Lowell by May 26th. Soon, I'll be back in Springfield, trying to figure out the next stage of my life.

Novel writing will still very much be a hobby of mine. That should be obvious, considering my series is called Realms Quintessential. Whatever my career path winds up being, I know that I'll have writing to express my creatvity and to dream of success (like translating my book into a foreign language, but that will be a later post).

Right now, my focus needs to be on studying. Novel proofing/marketing/fun stuff will be slowed down, but not necessarily stopping. Blog posts will still be on their Monday and Friday schedule, and book proof reading will pick up as finals wind down. Quite frankly, nothing's changing :D

Reader Question: What are you doing this summer? Leave your response in the comments below.

Happy Reading!

Friday, May 4, 2012

May the Fourth (Among Other Things)

Hey everybody!

It's another Friday update. I've been busy lately with schoolwork, and with my first final coming up on Wednesday (May 9th), and other assignments to get done before then, progress on The Book of Earth has been slow.

However, I do have some good news for those anticipating the release! A sample is now available through the CreateSpace Gallery. There will be a link to the sample on the "Books" page. It includes the first four chapters of The Book of Earth, and you can also rate and comment on the sample there.

I fully intend on sticking to the August 1st publishing date. Between now and the end of the month, I plan to have one chapter finalized a day, granted my academic obligations are met. The sample may also be expanded a couple times between now and the pub date, for your reading entertainment!

Reader Question: Hey! Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow! Are you celebrating? If so, how?

Happy Reading!