Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Introducing The Blog Roll

Hey everybody!

I just finished my last final! So excited! Now just to wait for the grades while I nervously bite my nails...

That, or I can work on my novel. Seems like the healthier alternative.

I am about halfway through my final read-through of The Book of Earth. Now that my classes are done, I have a week between now and commencement to put some continuous time into my writing. Once I get through this reading, more fun marketing stuff begins.

Today, I announce I'm adding a blog roll to this website. This blog roll is in three parts. The first part is Friends of Realms QE. These would be people I know personally who have helped in making the books. The next section is Fellow Authors. If you are a self-published author and would like a link to your blog posted here, leave a comment below. The third and final section is Critical Blogs. These will include links to reviews for fantasy, dystopian, or other related genres. Once I get about two or three in each category, the blog roll will go live!

Please note: This is a blog roll. I will not post links to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, or other social media sites. You are more than welcome to have those links on your page.

Happy Reading!

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