Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Run Program

I've been very busy with things other than my novels lately. I've been teaching myself to build websites in HTML, Javascript, and CSS. These efforts have been going more so to my professional (read: Meteorology) career. I do have some ideas in mind to host/redesign this site, but I need the funding to do that.

That's where another list item comes in: finding a job. I'm actively searching for an environmental science job, but I have not secured one thus far. Once I get one, I can look into getting a car, buying more copies of my book, and putting in a greater promotional effort.

I feel it is important to mention here that I am planning to build a corner desk in my room/office. It's going to have a separate set of drawers for my novel business. It's also going to have better wire management for more work space.

Of course, these are all just plans. I'll be able to do these once things start coming through on the job front. Until then, I am doing my run program, for which I'm running my first 5K on Thursday.

Happy Reading!

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