Friday, June 22, 2012

[ALERT] Rogue Entitiy Overpricing Books

Attention Self-Published Authors:

I write today's blog entry as an alert to all taking publishing into their own hands. A "reseller" called Stork Media, supposedly based out of Phoenix, Maryland, is selling self-published works at twice the selling rate set by the authors.

For example, my book (listed by the reseller at $19.27) and my sister's book (listed at $24.07).

The actions taken by Stork Media are potentially damaging to the self-publishing industry. First, authors do not receive royalties on the large overhead placed on their titles. These large overheads also drive customers away, convincing them our titles are expensive. Second, the B&N pages linked above are unprofessional; they do not contain cover images or descriptions, key elements in capturing consumer interest.

This incident is not isolated to my family. Many other authors have had issues with third-party resellers.

Neither Barnes & Noble nor Stork Media has my permission to distribute my works. I encourage my online followers to use my "Books" link above if they wish to purchase my works. Paperbacks are always $8.99 and Kindle editions are always $2.99 (save special events, where the prices will be lower).

As self-publishers, we need to remain vigilant to protect our works. If your work is being resold by Stork Media, please contact your printer (i.e. CreateSpace), and the chain store that is posting the work.

Customers: if possible, please buy your books as directly from the author as possible.


K. Louis Johnson

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