Monday, June 18, 2012

[Contest] Insights? In Book!

Let's boost this number, shall we?

Hey everybody! I still have one more advance copy of The Book of Earth to give away! However I do need your help!

The pic above is from the admin page for Realms Quintessential (linked above). I need 30 likes to unlock insights but so far I only have 21.

This is where you come in. To enter, all you have to do is "like" Realms Quintessential on Facebook. If the page breaks 30 likes, there will be a drawing for a copy of The Book of Earth in early July.

If you already like Realms Quintessential, you are already entered. If there are more than 30 likes, don't worry! "Like" the page before July 1st and you will be entered.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!

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