Saturday, August 18, 2012

Games (Maybe?)

Lately I've been thinking of a way to give my novels a better reach. I need to find a way to connect my readers to the reading. So I am looking deeper into the subject matter of fantasy worlds and perhaps developing a game.

That's right: a game.

If I start making something, it will more than likely be a pen-and-paper-and-dice game. My books pretty much have an outline for such a thing already. I have plenty of roles already: light mages, dark mages, seamstresses, etc. etc. I would also need races. Thus far, I have humans, demons (major - no minions yet), and a cameo by a troll in The Book of Earth.

I haven't quite worked out the dynamics of the game yet, add to that not much experience playing those games. Once I think of more roles, I'll develop some benefits for picking one role over another (more Notes for soldiers, more magic points for mages, etc.). Then I'll work out a battle system.

As far as publishing this, I'll probably wait until I make a complete-saga volume of the series. That won't be for another few years at least. Just an idea to share for now.

Happy Reading!

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