Saturday, August 4, 2012

Project M (and other things)

Hey everybody,

The live show for the book release had a pretty dismal showing. At most, I had four viewers and two chatters. Out of the two chatters, one just shouted at me in Turkish. None of the people I invited showed up. Very disappointing.

Otherwise, Free Book Friday #1 went well. 59 people downloaded the kindle edition of The Book of Earth. Nobody has rated or reviewed either of my books... Yet.

The issue I have with generating content is knowing whether or not it's good to my readers. When I read my own books, I have a personal bias. That's why I need things like reviews and ratings. This lets me know what works and what doesn't. Here is where Project M comes in.

M of course being the Roman numeral for 1000. I want to get 1000 copies of a book (paperback and Kindle, paid or otherwise) out to the public before I release future editions. In order to make improvements, I need to know the reader's opinion.

If you downloaded a copy of The Book of Earth, you've helped toward this 1000-copy goal. When you finish reading it, please return to the Amazon page to leave a comment or a rating. It would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Reading!

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