Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In the Classroom

Right now, I am sitting in a classroom. There are a few other people besides me, waiting for the next class to start in about twenty minutes.

While I'm not crunching numbers pertaining to Earth's atmosphere, I am crunching numbers as it comes to my book sales. During a one-day promotion I did over break, 85 people downloaded The Book of Fire for free. Before the promotion, no copies of my book sold at $1.99. So by my math... number crunching ... my new lower price of $1.29 will at best (and a very optimistic best) will get 30 sales a day.

I've also lowered the price on paperback editions. Amazon recently did away with their Pro Plan, allowing every publisher to enjoy lower publishing costs. This is good news since I can now sell on Amazon without having to drive up prices. Now instead of selling for $11, The Book of Fire is now available for $7.99.

As always, links to both editions of The Book of Fire are available on the books page. I may add a listing for volume 2, The Book of Earth, even though the rough draft isn't finished yet.

Time to go! Class is starting!

Happy Reading!

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