Friday, January 20, 2012

Packing Up

It's almost that time of the year again to head back to school for the Spring semester. What makes this time special is that it's my last semester. This May, I will be graduating with a BS in Atmospheric Sciences.

Right now, I'm sitting in my room/office, gathering things to take back with me to my dorm. I've got clothes, notebooks, and snack foods. I'm even bringing my leather "business" pad with me (which holds my story on a flash drive).

This semester has some wide open spaces, so there's plenty of time to work on The Book of Earth and go to the gym. It is still my goal to have book #2 out by August of this year, granted I get my word count up to 50K by graduation. I stopped work on ABNA because I know I won't reach the threshold before January 23rd.

Readers: Are there any deadlines you're facing? Leave your responses in the comments below.

Happy Reading!

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