Saturday, January 7, 2012

Over 10,000!

That's the number of words I have done for The Book of Earth so far.

I'm behind pace right now if I want to catch the train for ABNA. My deadline for that would be the 19th, which will give me some time to fine tune the book before submission. I had a spreadsheet with daily goal word counts, but I deleted it. The important thing now is to just write.

Meanwhile, my chapter list is being condensed. The original 30 I had written down is now 25. This is still less than the 37 I have in The Book of Fire. The chapters in book two will be more substantial than the ones in book one.

My goal for the next week is to have 30K done. The current 10K is mostly content that's already been handwritten (I was inspired and wrote a chapter I hadn't started yet). The written copy has 16K words, so that leaves me 14K new words to write between now and next Saturday. This seems doable to me.

Readers: What are your goals for next week? How does it break down?

Happy Reading!

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