Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Last night, as I crossed 28,000 words in The Book of Earth, I looked out my window to see snow!

It's been a relaxed winter here in Massachusetts. We had the big winter storm in October, but it has been quiet otherwise. I was expecting more snow while on break from school, but we don't always get what we're asking for!

Speaking of going back to school, I go back to Lowell in five days. Between now and then, I need to reach 50,000 words in order to have a qualifying novel for ABNA. I said I could be able to do it, but with each passing day, it feels like I'm trying to pull a rabbit out of my hat. I don't have rabbits...

Either way, I just need to write. Don't worry about pace, don't check the word count every five minutes. Just Write.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Happy Reading!

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